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Facts and Figures about the Automotive Sector around the world 2021

  • Armor News
  • Facts and Figures about the Automotive Sector around the world 2021
Armor Lubricants

Automobile sales worldwide are expected to dip below 70 million units this year (2021). In 2017 it reached a peak of nearly 70 million unites. Commercial vehicles and passenger cars are the two most significant categories in the automotive industry. One of the world’s greatest automotive markets is China, both in terms of sales and manufacturing. Car sales in China fell in 2018 for the first time: it crashed in FEB 2020 but quickly recovered.

Automobile mass manufacturing began in 1900’s, when Ford developed a line to mass-produce Model-T. Now, Ford Motor Company is one of the world’s major makers of passenger cars, with the Ford F-Series having its best-selling passenger light truck model, as well as one of 2020’s most selling light cars globally.

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